Dear Amy.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Dear Amy. Here is a blog post dedicated to you.
Just so you don't get too lonely in Philadelphia, here is what's new around the Argyle Home in picture form.
This is the light in my room. And it fell out of the ceiling. It was really scary.
This is Jimbo looking dapper in a duct tape bow tie I made him today.
The Argyle Family enjoys fresh ground Whole Grains.
These are some daisys mom got from Costco, and I thought you would like them.
This is our sort of cat named socks. (get it Argyle Socks ha ha... nevermind) She lives on our deck. and we have taken to feeding her. she highly enjoys her cat house.
Yesterday we played bananagrams
This is the candle sitting in the window, and it melts in the sun every day. Every day it gets a little misshapen. Needless to say it is my favorite candle in the house.
that is our schnazzy new computer
We shipped off evan. He has been added with James.
The land cruiser is broken. The land cruiser is about dead. The Land cruiser's coffin is the garage. I want to park in the coffin.
That is the back of my new favorite shirt

That is the picture that I drew on the way home from the cemetery yesterday. It got water on it. I think it makes the picture better.

Guess who lifeguards?
This is a pyramid one of James friends built
The Argyle Family eats red potatoes with their freshly ground whole wheat.
The Airsoft Gun wars have begun in our backyard again.
We have FLOWERS!

So that is about it around here. I hope you enjoyed the photo journey.