Dear Amy.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Dear Amy. Here is a blog post dedicated to you.
Just so you don't get too lonely in Philadelphia, here is what's new around the Argyle Home in picture form.
This is the light in my room. And it fell out of the ceiling. It was really scary.
This is Jimbo looking dapper in a duct tape bow tie I made him today.
The Argyle Family enjoys fresh ground Whole Grains.
These are some daisys mom got from Costco, and I thought you would like them.
This is our sort of cat named socks. (get it Argyle Socks ha ha... nevermind) She lives on our deck. and we have taken to feeding her. she highly enjoys her cat house.
Yesterday we played bananagrams
This is the candle sitting in the window, and it melts in the sun every day. Every day it gets a little misshapen. Needless to say it is my favorite candle in the house.
that is our schnazzy new computer
We shipped off evan. He has been added with James.
The land cruiser is broken. The land cruiser is about dead. The Land cruiser's coffin is the garage. I want to park in the coffin.
That is the back of my new favorite shirt

That is the picture that I drew on the way home from the cemetery yesterday. It got water on it. I think it makes the picture better.

Guess who lifeguards?
This is a pyramid one of James friends built
The Argyle Family eats red potatoes with their freshly ground whole wheat.
The Airsoft Gun wars have begun in our backyard again.
We have FLOWERS!

So that is about it around here. I hope you enjoyed the photo journey.

Why I should not be a mechanic.

Monday, February 21, 2011

So today I go into the living room, and daddy says do you want to help me with changing the rear view mirror? simple enough so I agree. I go out there and I take the screws off. And I successfully drop them into the car door. in the hole created by the siding. We spend the next hour and a half trying the get the stupid screw out of the car. eventually we pull off the door off and get out the screw out. And that is why I am not mechanic worthy.

it started out with Hot Chocolate.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

It takes a very special person to get from hot chocolate to
-a bunny running past my window
-My pancreas screaming at me to chase it
-Chasing the said bunny through the everglades, the evergreen forest, and the valley of the forever 21
-running into the rock of the trumpeting gnomes
-buggudbug the king of the trumpeting gnomes and the bunny combining to become a crimefighting robot from another dimension
-beethoven in a lame Tommy Bahama shirt jumping out of a helicopter,
-me and Beethoven follow the bunny gnome contraption into the oblivion, to stop the international flowing sea creature organization and their nefarious purposes,
-Buggudbug screaming at me that I am a sofa magnet.
And this is when I ran out of time.

Electronic Santa Clause

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

So today I made a piece of modern art. I call it Electronic Santa Clause. Here it is.
P.S. Why do people put apples in pigs mouths? that is not attractive. Is it like one of those Snow White Poisoned apples, and so now we are eating the carcass of some innocent piggie that is chock full of like, Death?

Here ya go Kinzie!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Kinzie( my blog's #1 fan) found out that my favorite website was Awkward Family Photo's dot com, which is very true. one of my life goals is to get a picture on this website. Anyway Kinzie said that she is interested in seeing what my favorite photos were from this website. well I have one.
I claim this one as my own. The tallest one in the middle would be my older brother Evan. The shortest chubbiest one is Jake, and I am the one on the Left. And yes they are dressed in bacon.
Satisfied yet kinzie?

Put some Sweden in your life

Monday, February 7, 2011

So in case you do not know me well, or you happened to stroll across this blog on the big wide web, and you have never actually met me which is cool by me if you actually care what I write, so this is for all you people. My brother is currently in sweden on his ecclesiatic sabbatical and so I have been into sweden recently. and here is my favorite part of Swedish culture. Check out the Post French class if you are wondering why.

I randomly thought of this video, mostly because of space and it has been stuck in my head for like ever. and the video is pretty amazing. The beginning startles me every time. so be ready to be startled.

On clothes

So on Friday the french teacher gave us a very long lecture about what she did when she saw a woman with an out fit similar to hers. She accused her of being an outffit thief. Personal favorite quote. "you do NOT steal a woman's jacket ... IN BURGANDY!!!!" so next time you see a woman and you like her jacket, do NOT steal it in burgandy. Personally I would be flattered if some one stole my outfit, but just to be clear I am going to mark my fashion territory.
-scooby doo lunchboxes
-The color pacific blue
-Argyle socks
-Motorcycle glasses worn sideways on the head
-Argyle plaid jackets
-red plaid pajama pants
and anything else I wear
Ands that is a bout Stay beautiful
Joseph is done now.
P.S what is Burgandy? purple or red?