On clothes

Monday, February 7, 2011

So on Friday the french teacher gave us a very long lecture about what she did when she saw a woman with an out fit similar to hers. She accused her of being an outffit thief. Personal favorite quote. "you do NOT steal a woman's jacket ... IN BURGANDY!!!!" so next time you see a woman and you like her jacket, do NOT steal it in burgandy. Personally I would be flattered if some one stole my outfit, but just to be clear I am going to mark my fashion territory.
-scooby doo lunchboxes
-The color pacific blue
-Argyle socks
-Motorcycle glasses worn sideways on the head
-Argyle plaid jackets
-red plaid pajama pants
and anything else I wear
Ands that is a bout Stay beautiful
Joseph is done now.
P.S what is Burgandy? purple or red?


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